Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is 50th Good Enough for Your Child?

In today's times of instant news, instant messaging and instant access to crises around the world, we need look no further than our own backyard. Our community faces a crisis from which we may be unable to recover. The Duval County Schools are currently facing the worst budget crisis in more than 30 years! A shortfall in excess of $150,000,000 for the 2009-2010 academic year is around the corner and there is NO WAY to trim enough money without impacting our classrooms and our students.

There are many items being considered that could directly impact your child's school; electives like art, music and PE could be affected (or eliminated at the elementary schools). Our ability to buy materials and supplies could disappear, field trips and athletics could be eliminated or drastically reduced.

This crisis is not only impacting Duval County, it is statewide! The news today reported that Clay County schools are considering eliminating 450 staff positions; 270 of those people are expected to be teachers. These stories can be heard across all of Florida.

Ask yourself this: What can I do?

You can contact your legislator to tell them that 50th is NOT good enough for your child.

  • Ask them to allow flexibility in using capitol funds as general revenue.

  • Ask them to suspend unfunded mandates such as transportation, testing and curriculum requirements, safety nets and staffing requirements.

  • Ask them to allow flexibility in using categorical funding such as SAI, Class Size, Instructional Materials and Safe Schools.

  • Ask them to consider a limited time, one cent sales tax to directly fund K-12 education and reduce the shortfall.

  • Ask them to uphold the Florida Constitution which states..."It is, therefore, a paramount duty of the state to make adequate provision for … a uniform, efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system of free public schools that allows students to obtain a high quality education …."

As voters, it is our responsibilty to make difficult decisions and to live with the consequences of those decisions. Do not take this lightly. Take the time to educate yourself on the facts of our current situation. Read about the various ways this shortfall will directly impact your child's classroom. Write to your legislators and hold them responsible for the decisions they are making. Be active in your community, let your voice be heard. Together we can make a difference!